Muslim women ‘afraid to ask for help’

The introduction of anti-terrorism laws in Australia has made Muslim victims of family violence afraid to contact authorities for protection, an advocacy group says.

Victoria’s Royal Commission into Family Violence will hear from the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights on Tuesday.

The organisation says Muslim women are “invisible” in the current debate and response to family violence.

This is compounded by Muslims being made to feel their community is being targeted or treated unfairly by authorities under anti-terrorism laws.

“This has developed into apprehensiveness about the Australian legal system and a mistrust of both government and the legal system,” the organisation wrote in its submission.

Muslim women who have experienced racial violence in public, such as being insulted or having their religious garments forcibly removed, are even less likely to ask for help if they are being abused at home, the centre says.

Domestic violence against Muslim women happens against a context of daily discrimination, racial violence, and religious violence, according to the centre’s submission.


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