State Sponsored Migration Visas Nominated & Regional provisional Australia

State and Territory Nomination allocation update

Critical sectors or with critical skills

We have received reports that the States and Territories have received a very small allocation of places for BIIP and SC 491/190 nominations, until the Federal Budget is handed down on 6 October 2020.

Very strict conditions have been imposed on the occupations the State and Territory Governments can approve for the SC 491/190. These may only be used for occupations that are critical to the COVID economic recovery. The critical occupations and industry sectors are noted below.

We are concerned about the impact this will have, for example, on current students completing courses, former students who have applied for, or currently hold 485 visas and other temporary visa holders who realistically thought they had viable permanent resident pathways.

Critical sectors or with critical skills

  • providing critical or specialist medical services, including air ambulance, medical evacuations and delivering critical medical supplies
  • critical skills required to maintain the supply of essential goods and services (such as in medical technology, critical infrastructure, telecommunications, engineering and mining, supply chain logistics, agricultural technology, food production, and the maritime industry)
  • delivering services in sectors critical to Australia’s economic recovery (such as financial technology, large scale manufacturing, film and television production and emerging technology), where no Australian worker is available
  • whose entry would otherwise be in Australia's national interest, supported by the Australian Government or a state or territory government authority.

Australian State Sponsored Migration visas provides a great way to immigrate to Australia. This article does not deal with Investor visas but only deal with General Skills pointed tested immigration visas. The Options available to you include permanent and temporary Visa options. main Visa subclasses are:

  1. Visa 190 - Skilled - Nominated (Permanent)
  2. Visa 489 - Skilled — Regional (Provisional)

Each state and territory government have their own processes for nomination in addition to the criterian under the Migration Act, the process is complicated and if you do not approach it the correct way the first time, the consequences may be devastating and include possible entry/visa bars to Australia. We recommend that you book an appointment for an assessment.

The participating State or Territories are:

Visa 190 - Skilled - Nominated (Permanent)

This visa allows skilled workers who are nominated by an Australian state or territory government live and work in Australia as a permanent resident.

The SN-190 visa is the only subclass in the Skilled - Nominated(Permanent ) (Class SN) visa class. It was created as part of the 1 July 2012 SkillSelect reforms.

SN-190 is designed for skilled visa applicants who have submitted an expression of interest (EoI) in SkillSelect and, after being nominated  by a State/Territory government body, have received an invitation to apply for this visa. Subject to receiving an invitation to apply, persons can apply for the SN-190 visa from in or outside Australia.

To be eligible to be granted an SN-190 visa, the applicant:

  • must make a valid application; this will include meeting the requirements prescribed in Schedule 1 item 1138 - see Applying for a Skilled Nominated (Class SN) visaand
  • must satisfy Schedule 2 Part 190criteria - see:
    • Schedule 2 criteria - The SN-190primary applicant
    • Schedule 2 criteria - SN-190family unit members.

The processing of specific general skilled migration visa applications (including SN-190) may be subject to a s499 “order of consideration” (or other) direction. If a s499 direction is in force, it applies to all unfinalised applications, including applications made before the direction was made.

Eligibility Criterian

  • have a relevant occupation
  • have a suitable skills assessment for the occupation
  • meet the points test pass mark of 65 points
  • be nominated by a state or territory government agency
  • be under 45 years of age at time of invitation
  • have Competent English
  • be invited by us to apply.
  • Length of stay : Permanently

Visa 489 - Skilled — Regional (Provisional)

This visa allows skilled workers to live and work in regional or low-population growth metropolitan areas of Australia for up to four years.

SP-489 is the subclass 489 visa, the only subclass of the Skilled - Regional (Provisional) (Class SP) visa class, which was created as part of the 1 July 2012 SkillSelect Reforms.

The SP-489 visa is designed to enable invited applicants, whether in or outside Australia, to apply for a regional visa. It is a provisional visa with two streams:

  • the SP-489 First Provisional Visa stream visa is granted to be in effect for 4 years and is non- renewable - see section 24 The SP-489 visa period
  • the SP-489 Second Provisional Visa stream, which enables regional sponsored provisional visa holders (UX-495, UZ-496, VF-475 and VC-487 visa) to “renew” their provisional visa, is granted to have effect for a total period of 4 years from the date of grant of that sponsored provisional visa.

SP-489 is the principal visa pathway to the permanent VB-887 Skilled - Regional visa.

There are three pathways to the visa:

  1. the Extended stay pathway
  2. the Invited pathway
  3. the Subsequent entry pathway

Eligibility Criteria

  • hold a subclass 475, 487, 495 or 496 visa (Extended Stay pathway)
  • be nominated by a state or territory government agency or be sponsored by an eligible relative (Invited pathway)
  • be invited to apply (Invited pathway)
  • have a relevant occupation
  • have a suitable skills assessment for the occupation
  • meet the points test pass mark of 65 points
  • be under 45 years of age at time of invitation
  • have Competent English.

This visa might lead to the permanent Skilled Regional visa (subclass 887).

We recommend that you book an appointment for an assessment.